Korean War

     The Korean War was a war that began June 25, 1950 between North Korea and South Korea. The Soviet and American forces divided Korea along the 38th parallel, which is what separated the country into North and South. North Korea became allies with the Soviet Union and South Korea was backed by the United States. The separation caused tension between North and South, causing North Korea to invade the South. They did this is attempt to reunite the separated country. When this happened the US organized to help South Korea fight off their invasion. This eventually led up to the Korean War
       US led troops cut off North Korean troops from supplies, and soon after North Korean troops stationed in the South surrendered. Troops from China and North Korea forced UN troops back south of the 38th parallel, eventually turning it into a stalemate. A stalemate is a situation in which neither side can make progress. The stalemate was a key issue in the election of 1952. Eisenhower was a candidate that promised to end the war. When he became elected he signed an armistice, which is an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time. To keep peace, a demilitarized zone was created disabling any military forces near the 38th parallel. They hoped this would prevent another war from breaking out.
      The Korean War had both immediate and long-term effects worldwide. The immediate effects include worsening relations with China, as well as armed forces becoming racially integrated. The long term effects of the war include the improving relations with Japan and military commitments increasing worldwide. Today, the two countries are still separated, with tension still between them. North Korea is a communist country, controlled very strictly, not allowing anyone to leave the country.


  1. I have always wondered why America out so much effort into such a small country that seems insignificant. AS far as I Know, America did not necessarily benefit from just saving South Korea. To make matters worse AMerica wasn't very successful in this war because the island of Korea is still divided and half of it remains under a communist government. Its astonishing to see how much AMerica really feared communism.


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