Leisure time in the 20's & 30's vs Today

      How people spend their time has changed over time. Leisure time in the 30's and 40's has changed a lot compared to today, however there are still some similarities between the time periods. A lot of things that were a big deal back in the 20's and 30's have become the norm for people in the US today. There are also things that were really popular back then, that have drifted from people's interests in today's time.
     Driving in the 21st century has become the norm for mostly everyone in the United States. Everyday we get in our cars and either go to work or to school. It has become something people are so used to doing, we don't think anything of it. I use my car everyday to take me various places like to school, to hangout with my friends, or any other errands that I need to run that day. In the 20's and 30's driving was a huge deal. Not everyone had the luxury of having a car, for it was mostly people of the wealthy class who owned one. Most people just walked to where they needed to get to. Since a lot of the population back then was poor, not many people could afford the price of a car, whereas nowadays almost everyone has a car.
      Films were a huge deal back in the 20's and 30's. This was an activity that people only sometimes had to advantage to do. There were not as common back then, so when people went to watch a film it was a huge deal, where they would dress up nice. Today, however, going to the movies is something anyone can do at anytime. It is definitely not as formal or as big a deal. Not as many people get excited about going to the movies anymore because it is something that has become so normal and so accessible to the public.
     Sports were not as big a deal during that time period. People did not have TVs to watch it on, nor did that many people play one. Children back then did not have the opportunity to play sports at the school they attended, whereas today every middle school and high school offers sports teams for the students to play in. Tons of students take up this opportunity causing sports to become a huge deal. There is also professional sports which people can buy tickets to go watch or just stay at home and watch it on their TV. Most people have a favorite sports team in which they pull for in sporting events. It has become something today, that many people can bond over.


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